Error #1130 happens when your machine
cannot access the MySQL due to the "GRANT" permission of the user. If
you install your MySQL from the XAMPP installer and happens to
experience the error, you can't solve it by uninstalling and
reinstalling it again. It doesn't work. What you will need to do is just
open your "mysql" folder, it should be in this directory
"\xampp\mysql", locate the file named "resetroot"-it is a MS-DOS batch
file, with an icon of a window with a gear inscribe in the middle,
double-click it and a command prompt window will appear. Wait for the
program to initialize and when you can already read the prompt "Press
any key to continue...", press enter. There you have it, it solve the
To check if it works, open your
XAMPP control panel and start apache and mysql. Open a web browser and
key-in "localhost" in the address bar, click on phpmyadmin under the
tool options. It should bring you to your GUI database.
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